While no "Bellaire Brown" from Shorts (MI), the first "brown" I ever enjoyed, Sam Adams has itself another winner with its own Brown Ale.
This beer just screams brown ale from the moment I tasted it. It is a malty beer with deep caramel and nut flavor. Hops? "Noble Spalt from Bavaria" and "citrusy Goldings" from a single farmer in East Kent. And not too many either.
Its another lovely combination - I'd easily take a 12 pack of 6 Irish and 6 Brown but there is plenty more new to taste with the 4 remaining brews.
Score: 9 out of 10
Black-throated Gray Warbler in New London
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Another year down! 2024 continued my decreasing trend of local birding, but
I did pick my spots and managed to find a few cool...
2 weeks ago